An account will be required for your online Trade Space application. 

The Central Australian Show Society has put together the following checklist to help our Traders comply with the regulations for trading at the Alice Springs Show.

Other Requirements for Traders:

  • Register for Trade Space on the Alice Springs Show website: Click here. - An account will be required on this website to make an application.
  • Provide a copy of current insurance, Certificate of Currency.
  • Check in at the CASS Office from Monday 1st July to collect passes and site allocations.
  • Ensue electrical items have a current Test and Tag compliance.
  • Break down and recycle cardboard in the appropriate skip bins.

Further Requirements for Food Traders:

  • Food traders using gas need to ensure current NT Certificate of Compliance plate is attached to the LP Gas system. For gas guidelines: Click here.
  • Food traders need to provide their Food Registration to the CASS Office and visibly display at the trade site.
  • Use waste oil and wastewater disposal locations.

Trade Space Competition:

Put your best foot forward and you could WIN best trade show stand! Check out the categories below: 

Outdoor Sites

  • Outdoor General Commercial
  • Outdoor Clothing
  • Outdoor Government Displays

Indoor Sites

  • Indoor Community clubs & Interest Groups
  • Indoor General Commercial
  • Indoor Government Displays


  • Education
  • Food Stalls
  • Rural

Best Overal Trade Space Display!


